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Ideas for a greener Libya - Working to provide reliable and safe water supply to support agriculture and cover the domestic water requirements of the Libyan population
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توفير مصدر دائم وآمن للمياه لدعم المشاريع الزراعية وتغطية
الاحتياجات المائية
Great Man Made River (GMMR) - "Великая Рукотворная Река" в Ливии - Das 8. Weltwunder - لــنهر الصــناعي العظـــيم
photograph of the first large farm test field within the Libyan
Objectives of the
River Project
1. Stop
the growing clouds of limited groundwater reserves in the coastal
cities and stop saline intrusion from the sea to drinking water and
agricultural land.
Farming close to (180) thousand hectares, achieving
self-sufficiency of a mass of food products where the strategy will
be allocated more than (80%) of river water for
3. The
creation of light industries and other medium-heavy and a third
advantage of the abundance of water and add to the GDP
4. Stop
the migration from the countryside to the cities and fight against
desertification and solve obsessed with food security and the
creation of the mass people economically and developmentally for
the post-oil.
Not bombs, tanks and missles, but 547.000 pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipes have been transported to date!
Facts & Figures - The Great Man Made River (GMMR)
These are
some Facts and Figures about GMRA :
- Approximately 547.000
pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipes have been manufactured to
- Approximately 547.000 pipes transported
to date. Pipe transportation is continuous
and the
work goes on day and night, distance traveled by the transporters
is equivalent to the
sun and back.
5.200.000 tons of
- Approximately 24,000,000 tons of rubble and gravel
- Approximately 4.300.000 kilometers of steel wire
- Approximately 43.000.000 kilometers from sheets of iron and steel
155.000.000) cubic meters of soil
- Over 3,700 km of haul roads was constructed alongside the pipe line trench to enable the heavy
truck –
trailers to deliver pipe to the installation site
Phase I Total Length 1,600 Km.
Phase II Total Length 2,155 Km.
Phase III
Total Length ........ Km. - Phase III was inaugurated
in 2010 by Muammar Al Gaddafi
Phase IV Total Length ....... Km.
Phase V Total Length ........ Km.
Volume of Trench Excavation 250 Million
Cubic Meter.
- The amount of aggregate used in the project :
30,000,000 Ton.
Enough to Build 20 pyramids the size of the
great pyramid of Khoufu.
- Total Weight of Cement used 7.0 Million Tones.
- Total Length of Pre-Stressing Wire 6.0 Million
This would circle the Earth 280 times.
- The 1,300 wells which will be drilled will ultimately
produce 6.5 Million cubic meters of water per day.
Pictures right above; Top: map of WELLFILDS & RESERVORIS. - Tazerbo wellfield, Sarir wellfield, Fezzan wellfield. Reservoirs are in Benghazi, Tobruk, Sirt and near Tripoli.
In total, the Great Man-Made River project requires the drilling of 960 wells with depths varying from 450 to 650 meters. The network of wells covers on area of 8000 square km.
8 km of carbonised metal wire is wound around each pipe segment, that means the length of wire required for the first phase alone is sufficient to encircle the globe 230 times.
The volume of water that will flow daily from this artificial river upon completion is equal to half the amount of oil produced daily all over the world.
The stone and sand used to manufacture the pipes would be enough to build 16 of the Giza Pyramids in Egypt. The quantity of cement used in this project could build a highway from Tripoli to Bombay.
Experts anticipate that the estimated 6 million cubic metres of drinking water pumped through the pipelines daily should cover the needs of the Libyan People for over 50 years.
It is really worthwhile to spend a little time visiting such a majestic work. The great man-made river can not be appreciated until you see it yourself. When peace is back in Libya make a trip to the surface man-made lakes which accommodate huge amounts of water in fabricated basins, so big that they can be crossed in a speed boat. These sites have a special beauty, a fascinating and strange mixture of man’s will and ingenuity and the immensity of nature.
In the
ninth month of the year (1984) began work on a Great Man Made River
to transport groundwater basins infidels and bed and Tazrbu and
Fezzan in the south to the cities of Benghazi and Sirte and
Tripoli, Tobruk and other coastal cities in the north through the
system, huge pipes huge total extension of about (3.380 )
kilometers was set up two plants in the bed and Brega for the
provision of these tubes made of material concrete the previous
stress and is buried in the trenches of the underground at a depth
of (7) meters have been drilled (960) wells at depths ranging from
(450) meters, and between (650) meters in the basin Tazrbu bed and
Fezzan and Kufra.
is since 1991 connected and receives fresh water from the Great Man
Made River. Tripoli since 1996.
The 5 phases of the
Great Man Made River project
There a 5 phases of the Great-Man-Made-River project. Muammar Al Gaddafi was able to inaugurate the finishing of the 3th project phase. Unfortunately, phase 4 and 5 of the greatest civil water project on earth are now on halt as UN - Security Council (France, USA, United Kingdom and China Russia) supported a No-Flight zone resoution 1973.
NATO planes bombarded during the early days of the war on Libya the main pipe producing factory (Brega) and destroyed also parts of the Water-Pipe-System of phase 3. (This is an WAR CRIME)
Video: NATO bombed "Great Man Made River"factory
* Click Here to watch the video
Stages of the
industrial river
The first
the first stage on the two systems of pipes the first stretch of
Tazrbu to Sellouk and the second from the bed to the Sirte included
the system first drilling (120) wells and D (800) kilometers of
pipes of Tazrbu to Benghazi and produces field Tazrbu million cubic
meters of water per day exploit (98 ) wells and the rest is just a
Of the
bed start system pipes the following which contains the collection
network strength (126) wells of which is used (113) and the
remaining reserves of the bed starts the flow of million cubic
meters of water per day in two parallel lines to the tank Ajdabiya
then Ajdabiya heading another branch of the system holds ( 1.18)
million cubic meters of water east to Benghazi and another branch
heading west towards the city of Sirte carries (820) thousand cubic
meters of water.
topic is aimed to phase transfer of (2.5) million cubic meters of
water from wells located in two fields in the Mount
system to the coastal areas in western mass that extends from the
western Al Heisha new about easy Ajafarh and land located between
Alchuirv to Tarhunah length of the system around me (1676)
kilometers and extend the system with water (484) wells card (2)
million cubic meters a day.
At this
stage, begin collecting water in the pipe network especially
flowing through the water collection tanks and then enter the
pumping stations located at the end of the well fields mission push
water through the highland areas until you reach the sloping land
and off after that flow naturally toward the Alchuirv then
subdivided the line into two branches the central branch heading
Until it reaches near Tarhunah and section east off in the direction of the north-east and when the plug follows the line path along the coastal road passing near the cities of Misurata, Zeliten and five until it reaches the Qara Bolli where the reservoir budget on high (160) meters above sea level and from this reservoir is connected to water to the area in and around Tripoli, in addition to the territory of the fertile plain Alajafarh.
The third
phase aims to add (1.68) million cubic meters of water a
day-to-energy first and second phases will be pumping this amount
of additional field wells in the basin of the infidels, and
composed this stage of the three lines, first heading to the south
of Green Mountain and ventralis and the second stems from the
infidels, and joining the line north of the first phase fields
Tazrbu and third connecting first and second phases.
And the
completion of the Phase III project have been completed and the
river's total water-borne (6.1) million cubic meters a
NEXT News & events
PDF (click on small text) - THE IMPACT OF THE GREAT MAN
government started the largest civil engineering project ever
undertaken in the world that was scheduled to complete within
twenty years. The project, popularly known as the Great Man
Made River Project (GMMRP), when fully completed can supply a total
of 6,500,000m³ of freshwater per day to most northern Libya cities
bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Eighty percent of this water
is allocated for agricultural activities while the remaining is for
municipal and industrial purposes. The impact of the
availability of this water on the agriculture activities is
tremendous ...."