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Great Man Made River  -  لــنهر الصــناعي العظـــيم


Ideas for a greener Libya - Working to provide reliable and safe water supply to support agriculture and  cover the domestic water requirements of the Libyan population

العمل على توفير مصدر دائم وآمن للمياه لدعم المشاريع الزراعية  وتغطية الاحتياجات المائية للمستهلكين

Great Man Made River (GMMR) - "Великая Рукотворная Река" в Ливии - Das 8. Weltwunder - لــنهر الصــناعي العظـــيم

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Arial photograph of the first large farm test field within the Libyan dessert.

Pictures of the 2004 International Chemistry in Africa (ICCA 10)
Conference & Exhibition

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Announcements (older) - The Great Man Made River (GMMR)




The management and Implementation Authority of the Great Man-Made River Project announce a General Bid for drilling, construction and completion of production/piezometric wells at Al-kufra wellfield area, in order to produce (1.68) million cubic metre per day of fresh water. The Great Man-Made River Authority (GMRA) will award a single contract for the complete performance of the work and services which include, but are not limited to:

1.     Contractor shall perform the following:

·    (300) production wells to be drilled to depth between (450 meter ±20%) to (600 meter ±20%).

·    (7) deep piezometric wells to be drilled to depth (450 meter ±20%).

·    (7) shallow piezometric wells to be drilled to depth (200 meter ±20%).

2.    Contractor shall perform all works and services necessary for the construction of the wells in accordance with international standards and specifications.

3.    The contractor's scope includes all engineering work, procurement of materials along with their testing, transportation, storage, drilling, sampling, final detailed design, installation, construction and acceptance testing.

4.    The sustainable yield required of each well is seventy five liters per second (75 l/s), and the design life is defined as fifty (50) years.

Therefore, all specialized National and International companies that provide these construction services and wish to participate in this general tender are kindly requested to collect bid documents from (GMRA Headquarters in Benghazi during official business hours starting from Sunday 19/08/2007, according to the following conditions:

1.    Bidders shall have the experience and the ability to execute projects similar to the subject of this tender.

2.    Bidders should attach to their bid documents indicating their experience and official copies of the Articles of Incorporation, Article of Association and the Financial Status.

3.    Closing date for bids shall be 12:00 noon (local time), Wednesday 31/10/2007. Bidders may obtain Tender Documents throughout this period.

4.    Bidders' offers shall remain valid for period of (six) months from the date of submitting offers.

5.    The tender documents may be purchased against a non-refundable fee of (€10,000) Ten Thousand Euro, or an equivalent sum in Libyan Dinar that shall be paid at Al-Wahda Bank, the Great Man-Made River Agency, GMRA account number (550020).

6.    Bids shall be accompanied by a bid bond of (€250,000) Two Hundred and Fifty thousands Euro, or an equivalent sum in Libyan Dinar by way of a Letter of Guarantee issued or confirmed by one of the Libyan banks valid for (180 days) from the date of submitting the bids or a cheque certified by a Libyan bank. Said Guarantee shall be reimbursed to unsuccessful bidders.

7.    Bid shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Tenders Committee at GMRA's Headquarters in Benghazi, in red wax sealed envelopes at 12:00 noon (local time), Wednesday 31/10/2007. Bids would be opened in opening ceremony that attended by companies representatives.

8.    For further inquiries/informations, please call the following numbers:

This TENDER - information is for History-Records only!


The management and Implementation Authority of the Great Man-Made River Project announce a General Bid for drilling, construction and completion of (48) production wells at Sarir wellfield. The Great Man-Made River Authority (GMRA) will award a single contract for the complete performance of the work and services which include, but are not limited to:

1.     Contractor shall perform the following:

·    (15) production wells to be re-drilled to depth (400 meter ±20%).

·    (33) production wells to be drilled to depth (400 meter ±20%).

2.    The required permanent material for construction of (48) production wells will be provided by the owner.

3.    Contractor shall perform all works and services necessary for the construction of the wells in accordance with international standards and specifications.

4.    The contractor's scope includes all engineering work, drilling, sampling, final detailed design, installation, construction and acceptance testing.

5.    The sustainable yield required of each well is seventy five liters per second (75 l/s), and the design life is defined as fifty (50) years.

Therefore, all specialized National and International companies that provide these construction services and wish to participate in this general tender are kindly requested to collect bid documents from (GMRA Headquarters in Benghazi during official business hours starting from Sunday 26/08/2007, according to the following conditions:

1.    Bidders shall have the experience and the ability to execute projects similar to the subject of this tender.

2.    Bidders should attach to their bid documents indicating their experience and official copies of the Articles of Incorporation, Article of Association and the Financial Status.

3.    Closing date for bids shall be 12:00 noon (local time), Monday 29/10/2007. Bidders may obtain Tender Documents throughout this period.

4.    Bidders' offers shall remain valid for period of (6) months from the date of submitting offers.

5.    The tender documents may be purchased against a non-refundable fee of (€2,000) Two Thousand Euro, or an equivalent sum in Libyan Dinar that shall be paid at Al-Wahda Bank, the Great Man-Made River Agency, GMRA account number (550020).

6.    Bids shall be accompanied by a bid bond of (€50,000) Fifty Thousand Euro, or an equivalent sum in Libyan Dinar by way of a Letter of Guarantee issued or confirmed by one of the Libyan banks valid for (180 days) from the date of submitting the bids or a cheque certified by a Libyan bank. Said Guarantee shall be reimbursed to unsuccessful bidders.

7.    Bid shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Tenders Committee at GMRA's Headquarters in Benghazi, in red wax sealed envelopes at 12:00 noon (local time), Monday 29/10/2007. Bids would be opened in opening ceremony that attended by companies representatives.

8.    For further inquiries/informations, please call the following numbers:

This information is for History-Records only!

Third :

    The Management and Implementation Authority of the Great Man-Made River Project announce a General Bid to provide an Electrical Transmission and Distribution System to Ghadames-Zuwarah-Al Zawia system well filed and pump stations. The Great Man-Made River Authority (GMRA) will award a single contract for the complete performance of the work and services which include, but are not limited to:

    A new 66/33/11 kV substation for well field and PS1 Pump station, 66kv and 33 kV switchgears being of double bus bar design.
    A 66kV Transmission line System, interconnecting the 400/66kv Gecol substation to 66/33/11kv substation at well field the approximate length of this section is 2x60km.
    66/11kV substations at PS2, PS3and PS4 which deliver power to the main pumping stations via buried cables.
    A 66kv Transmission line system, interconnecting the existing Gecol 66kv Transmission lines to PS2, PS3 and PS4. The approximate length of these lines is 15km
    Design, furnishing, installing, constructing, testing and placing into operation all Material ,Equipment and Works, necessary to provide complete and operational facilities for the Electrical Transmission and Distribution System.

Therefore, all specialized National and International Companies that provide these construction services and wish to participate in this general tender are kindly requested to collect bid documents from GMRA Headquarters in Benghazi during official business hours starting from Tuesday 1st of May 2007, according to the following conditions:

1)         Bidders shall have the experience and the ability to execute projects similar to the subject of this tender.

2)         Bidders should attach to their bid documents indicating their experience and official copies of the Articles of Incorporation, Articles of Association and the Financial Status.

3)         Closing date for bids shall be 12:00 noon (local time), Monday 30/07/2007. Bidders may obtain Tender Documents throughout this period.

4)                  Bidders' offers shall remain valid for period of (Six) months from the date of submitting offers.

5)         The tender documents may be purchased against a non–refundable fee of (€ 5000) Five Thousand Euros, or an equivalent sum in Libyan Dinars that shall be paid at Al-Wahda Bank, the Great Man Made River Agency, GMRA account number (550020).

6)         Bids shall be accompanied by a Bid Bond of (250,000 L.D) Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Libyan Dinars, or an equivalent sum in Euros by way of a Letter of Guarantee issued or confirmed by one of the Libyan banks valid for (240 days) from the date of submitting the bids or a cheque certified by a Libyan bank. Said Guarantee shall be reimbursed to unsuccessful bidders.

7)         Bids shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Tenders Committee at GMRA's Headquarters in Benghazi, in red wax sealed envelopes at 12:00 noon (local time), Monday 30/07/2007. Bids would be opened in opening ceremony that attended by companies representatives. 

8)         For further inquiries call the following number:

This TENDER information is for History-Records only!

Tenders Under Evaluation :

Al-Kufra Wellfield – Tazerbo – Ajdabiya Water System /  3 Pump Stations"

Five technical and commercial offers have been received from local and foreign companies and are currently under evaluation.


Awarded Tenders:

Tender for the provision of engineering management and supervision services for Zwara / Zawia system (Tender No. 017).

This tender was awarded to Brown and Root North Africa Ltd. at the value of L.D 18,612,000.

Tender for the execution of data acquisition and control system (SCADA) for Tazerbo wellfield SS/TB (Tender No. 153).

This tender was awarded to ABB at the value of L.D 16,903,392.

The 6th  Annual Conference  of the Libyan Corrosion Society

The Libyan Corrosion Society hold its 6th  Annual Conference (Libyan Corrosion) in November 2007 in Tripoli. This annual meeting addresses Corrosion related issues with many experts and companies participating in the matter. For more information about the Libyan Corrosion Society and the conference.  (Related to The 10th International Chemistry in Africa (ICCA 10)

The 10th International Chemistry in Africa (ICCA 10)

Conference & Exhibition

18-21 November 2007, Benghazi - Libya

What is Libyan corrosion society (LCS) ?

A Libyan scientific non-profit society concerned with all matters pertaining to corrosion and its protection formed by the Scientific Research National Association through directive number 19 in 1994. Established by 55 experts in the field of corrosion and include within its membership highly qualified, specialised and experienced members. Many activities and events been organized and supported by the society.

This information is for History-Records only!

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ماهى جمعية التآكل الليبية

سـنتعرف من خـلال هـذه الصفحة عن اول جـمعية تآكـل في لـيبيا و هي عبارة عن جمعية اهليه ذات صبغه علمية غير ربحية تعنى بشئون التآكل و طرق الحماية منه تم اشهارها من قبل الهيئة القومية للبحث العلمي بقرار رقم 19 لسنة 1994 فـ . ساهم في تأسيسها 55 متخصص و مهتم بعلوم التآكل تضم في عضويتها الان مؤهلات عليا و متخصصة في علوم التآكل كذلك ذوي خبرات عملية طويلة في مجال التآكل و لقد أنجزت الكثير من الاعمال بدعم العديد من الشركات و المؤسسات التي يعود اليها الفضل في استمراريـة هذه المنـارة العلمية ولكي تحافـظ هذه الجمعـية العلميـة على استمراريتها نحو تقديم الافضل للوقاية من اخطار التآكل فأنها تدعو كافة المهتمين بهذه الظاهره من افراد و مكاتب هندسية و شركات للانخراط في عضويتها