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Ideas for a greener Libya - Working to provide reliable and safe water supply to support agriculture and cover the domestic water requirements of the Libyan population
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توفير مصدر دائم وآمن للمياه لدعم المشاريع الزراعية وتغطية
الاحتياجات المائية
Great Man Made River (GMMR) - "Великая Рукотворная Река" в Ливии - Das 8. Weltwunder - لــنهر الصــناعي العظـــيم
photograph of the first large farm test field within the Libyan
News & events - The Great Man Made River (GMMR)
A NATO terrorist attack has hit a water pipes factory in al-Brega, murdering six guards, this being the factory which makes pipes for the great man-made irrigation system across the desert which brings water to seventy per cent of Libyan homes, according to sources in Libya. The factory was hit after the water supply network was destroyed on Friday.
July 22 2011. A date for humanity to remember. NATO hit the Libyan water supply pipeline. It will take months to repair. Then on Saturday they hit the pipeline factory producing pipes to repair it.
Since when is a water pipes factory in al-Brega a legitimate target to impose a no-fly zone to protect civilians? Sine when is the water supply pipeline itself a legitimate target?
NATO has committed another war crime, targeting a civilian water supply network which brings water to 70% of Libya’s population, according to Pravda.Ru sources in Libya. The general manager of the Man Made River Corporation which controls the pipeline reports it was hit in a NATO strike on Friday. In another clear violation of the law, a consignment from Italy of 19 000 AK-47′s was caught in Ajdabiyah by the Libyan authorities, according to Libyan military sources.
The international community has two choices: to turn a blind eye like cowards and allow NATO to murder Libyan children, murder Libyan civilians and support terrorists with their strikes – we have received information that white phosphorous is being used against Libyan government positions now that NATO is getting desperate- remember Napalm anyone?? The second option is for the international community to use the proper channels to bring pressure on NATO itself and on the politicians in its member states to stop this murderous atrocity, this outrage against civilization and international law, now.
You vote for this campaign? Then you are a child murderer, or sympathise with child murderers. Cameron, Obama and Sarkozy have the blood of hundreds of innocent people on their hands.
If NATO’s contribution to protecting civilians is bombing their water supply then the international community will respond to this heinous war crime, whether or not the politicians do. Will anyone please do something about this horrendous war crime? Or will we all sit back while NATO destroys water supply lines, a civilian structure? Is this protecting civilians or is this an act of revenge because NATO is losing?
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
Latest News March 2012:
A large explosion destroyed parts of the Great Man River pipe sytem near Bani Walid, leaving 100 of 1000 Libyans without water! - Watch the Video *Explosion on the Great Man Made River - near Bani Walid 13-03-2012
Latest News - 22.06.2011:
NATO bombarded parts of the pipe producing fabric in Brega. Also targeted andbombarded parts of the pipe system in the Libyan dessert. - Targeting the water system to Sirte and Tripoli. (War Crime)
NATO has admitted that its jets attacked the pipe factory on 22 July 2011, claiming in justification that it was used as a military storage facility and rockets were launched from there. - Watch the Video
NEXT Announcements
PDF (click on small text) - THE IMPACT OF THE GREAT MAN
government started the largest civil engineering project ever
undertaken in the world that was scheduled to complete within
twenty years. The project, popularly known as the Great Man
Made River Project (GMMRP), when fully completed can supply a total
of 6,500,000m³ of freshwater per day to most northern Libya cities
bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Eighty percent of this water
is allocated for agricultural activities while the remaining is for
municipal and industrial purposes. The impact of the
availability of this water on the agriculture activities is
tremendous ...."