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Great Man Made River  -  لــنهر الصــناعي العظـــيم


Ideas for a greener Libya - Working to provide reliable and safe water supply to support agriculture and  cover the domestic water requirements of the Libyan population

العمل على توفير مصدر دائم وآمن للمياه لدعم المشاريع الزراعية  وتغطية الاحتياجات المائية للمستهلكين

Great Man Made River (GMMR) - "Великая Рукотворная Река" в Ливии - Das 8. Weltwunder - لــنهر الصــناعي العظـــيم

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Right hand image: Muammar Al Gaddafi at the Great Man Made River project side.

Pipe Laying - The Great Man Made River (GMMR)

Pipes are laid in trenches 7 meters deep using 450 ton cranes.
Final installation is by a bulldozer pushing the pipe into place prior to final alignment.
Trench Excavation

7.6 m3 capacity excavators are used to dig trenches, approximately 10m wide by 7m deep. special materials is used to form a profile bed
for the pipes.

In some areas it is necessary to blast the trenches while in others they can be excavated with mechanical diggers.

Pipe alignment is checked using laser tools. Individual pipes are bonded
to make the whole pipeline electrically continuous.

The pipe joints
are tested to ensure they are watertight. Pipe joints are grouted internally and externally.
In areas where the soil is aggressive cathodic protection is used.
Back filling

Special graded back fill is used to complete the pipeline installation.

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