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Great Man Made River  -  لــنهر الصــناعي العظـــيم


Ideas for a greener Libya - Working to provide reliable and safe water supply to support agriculture and  cover the domestic water requirements of the Libyan population

العمل على توفير مصدر دائم وآمن للمياه لدعم المشاريع الزراعية  وتغطية الاحتياجات المائية للمستهلكين

Great Man Made River (GMMR) - "Великая Рукотворная Река" в Ливии - Das 8. Weltwunder - لــنهر الصــناعي العظـــيم

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Fresh drinking water within the Libyan dessert. A dream of being able to gain land back for farming.

Water Supply System - The Great Man Made River (GMMR)

The Kufra-Tazerbo-Ajdabiya Water Supply System

The Kufra-Tazerbo conveyance will involve the development of a new major wellfield at Kufra, with a yield of 1.68 Million Cubic Meter per Day MCMD and will incress the existing capacity of the SSTB System to 3.68 MCMD.The system consists of  the following:
-  300 wells in Kufra well field.
-  380 km (238) miles conveyance pipeline mainly 4 m (13) ft. diameter pipes.
-  7 No. inline booster pumping stations.
-  250 miles haul road.
-  Permanent communication & control system.
-  Cathodic protection system.
-  Operation, support and Maintenance facilities.

Al Jaghboub Tobruk Water Supply

Late in 1998 a plan was put forward to explore a region southeast and west of the Jaghboub area, intended to convey 137,000 MCMD of water from Jaghboub area to the coastal regions which extended from west Al Bamba golf to east Emsaad, supplying the Batnan population with water, and also some of east Al Goba regions.

Primary Studies indicated the presence of a huge storage of ground water in Jaghboub area which encouraged initiating a plan to drill 15 exploratory wells in south Al Jaghboub.

Based on excavation results the hydraulic information for the ground reservoir in this area will be determined and conclude the range of its exploitation on a wide scale to cover the domestic needs in Batnan region.

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Ghedames-Al Zawia-Zwara System

The aim of this system is to convey 90 MCMY from Ghedames basin
to the costal regions of western Jefara area to meet the domestic water requirements of the growing population in the area.

The wellfield consists of 144 wells with additional 15 wells standby. They are drilled between 900 to 1100 meters depth.

To transfer the water along the link from Ghedames basin requires to install pump stations, the proposal is to create four pump stations distributed on the pipe conveying system. The system consist of the following:
-  144 wells.
-  208 km (130) miles wellfield collector pipe line.
-  622 km (389) miles main conveyance and distribution  line.
-  4 No’s pump stations.
-  4 No’s storage tanks.
-  3 No’s pressure breaking tanks.
-  1 No elevated tank.
-  25 No’s turnouts.
-  Communication and Control System.
-  3 Operation and Maintenance Centers.
-  Electrical distribution system for the wellfield.